Every business, small and big, uses computer programs to process their data and to create insight in how their business is doing. In both smaller and larger businesses Microsoft Excel is still used very frequently.

Our business started in 2013 in Delft, creating all sorts of tools based on Excel; Dashboards, data conversion tools, planning tools, and much more. Later on, we also specialized in Microsoft Power BI, which allows us to help build a smoother experience for the boards and employees of businesses, when inspecting visualized data.

While most of the mentioned programs work very intuitively these days, not everyone has the time to specialize in this field. This is where Depict-IT comes in. Our goal is to help you to get a clear overview of your data with minimum costs, while always striving for a high quality report or dashboard.

We add value to your business, and we will teach you as much as we can on how to handle your data. Because we work with data a lot, security is of great importance within our company, and we always take care of it. In order to keep track of the possible risks when working with data, we provide valuable documentation to keep track of possible risks when the product is used within your business.

Please take a look at our Services page for a complete overview of the services we are specialized in.

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