Our services are categorized in Reporting, Analysis, and Automation.


Having an overview on your data in a neat and structured form, while always looking at the latest data? That is what we make possible by reporting. We design and program fully dynamic reports, such that business intelligence (BI) can be used as it is meant to be used. Our aim is to design user-friendly BI tools, design specific to meat the demands of the user. Most of our reports nowadays are build using Power BI, but we also have an expert level of knowledge and experience with Excel and VBA. All our product are supplied with manuals, and when requested quick reference cards (QRC) are made, to get the user started as quickly as possible. For more extended reports or in case of groups of new users, instruction videos can be made to minimize the time needed to familiarize the user with the report.


The reports we make, are all designed to simplify the data analysis. In one view, the user should be able to see what the current status of the segment or subject shown in the report is. Using our knowledge in the field of data analysis, we are able to think together with you about which factors can be important or interesting to visualize and which data to include or exclude from the dataset used in the reports. By doing this, we prevent that unnecessary data is included in the datasets.


In a lot of businesses people are doing the same task over and over again. Besides visualizing data, one of our strengths is in programming automation, especially when these tasks are Excel-related. Typical examples are; combining datasets or files to create one clear overview, creating full dashboards, or simply automate a recurring task. Automation of recurring tasks help employees to spend their time more efficiently, but also helps to take the boring tasks away, which always reduces the number of mistakes made in this kind of processes.

Software we are specialized in